Invasion of pre-emptive kind
Brought on guerrilla fighting,
Abandoned voters left behind
Found such war uninviting,
So when, at home, their deaths began,
Like sacrificed cordero,
They chose, at last, an honest man,
Their hero, Zapatero -
He strangely told the truth, ha, ha!
And shamed both Blair and Bush, ha, ha!
That European, UN backing,
unionising gentleman,
Our hero, Zapatero!
When to avoid civilian dead
To home his troops proceeded,
No allied leader held his head
One tenth as high as he did.
Cloak for their shame - a photo. op.,
That sickly grinning pair-o -
Both longed for a more constant 'wop',
Than leftist Zapatero!
In leaving crooks to bleed, olé!
He gave the promised lead, olé!
That unashaméd, unembarrassed,
quite unchallenged man on top,
The leftist Zapatero!
When threatened with a trade boycott,
Unless he left his men in,
Our hero hesitated not,
His plighted word stayed certain.
False coalitions crumble fast
As each withdraws their share-o,
This war-scarred Spain learned in the past
And chose good Zapatero!
So crudely stained with oil, were they,
Who thought this bloody war OK
A disregarded, disrespected,
tidal wave of ballots cast,
Elected Zapatero!
(Apologies to W. S. Gilbert - and to Vassilis Vassilikos)