"Will you hearken to meant meaning?"
                                                   said the envoy to the silk.
"There's a red/dead line before us, and it's one I dare not bilk.
See how brazenly the mobsters and the president advance!
They are waiting in the desert -
                                 will you make them miss their chance?
Will you, wont you, will you, wont you,
                                             will you block their chance?
Will you, wont you, will you, wont you,
                                                 wont they get their chance?"

"You can really have no notion
                               what their motion can have meant
Unless you give up reading it and request their meant intent!"
And the silk replied "Of course, of course!
                                           Their thoughts my own enhance.
My upright views, now on their head,
                                          say they may yet get their chance.
May get, might get, may get, might get,
                                                   may yet get their chance!
May get, might get, may get, might get,
                                                 might yet get their chance!"

"What matters it how far we go?"
                                             his green-backed friend replied
"There's lots of wordless contracts loose
                                                     upon that fight's far side
And lines we've learnt in Washington -
                                               we then will blame on France;
Then do not bilk, beloved silk - say "Yes" to bless war's chance.
Say "Yes", say bless, say "Yes", say bless,
                                                 say "Yes" to bless war's chance
Say "Yes", say bless, say "Yes", say bless,
                                           "Let's bless their war's black chance."

                    (Apologies to Lewis Carroll)